Multiple levels of approval in transactions are important for security, accountability, and preventing errors. By requiring multiple people to authorize a transaction, it helps lower the risk of unauthorized access, fraud, and mistakes. At PayDocker, we have a comprehensive approval management system available to assist you with doing so.
This feature is currently only available to Demand Partner accounts.
To enroll users into the approval management system, you will first need to give them team access. Here are some articles of how to create team access for different users:
Our approval management system covers these business transactions:
- Sales
- Payments
- Disputes
- Credit
We have 3 configurations for our approval management system:
To access our approval management system in your account, follow these simple steps:
1. Log into your Demand Partner account via this link (
2. Go to Settings (1) and then Approvals (2)
To configure your approval management system, follow these simple steps:
Don't configure
This option is selected by default, so there will be no additional steps taken. If you would prefer to not have an approval system for your business, you may choose to do so.
All the approvers can approve
This option will immediately enable all your team members to be able to approve transactions. This would include users with permissions for Admins, Users and Master accounts.
1. Click on All the approvers can approve option
2. Click on Show Approvers to review the name list of approvers
You will see the full list of approvers that can approve under this configuration
3. Set your notification preferences for this configuration
4. Click Save to lock in your configuration
Multi-level approval with specific approvers
Multi-level approval allows you to set a customised approval system that would be helpful if your transactions require a higher level of oversight. Once all required approvals are obtained, the transaction can be completed.
To note: Users with Admin access will be able to by-pass this configuration and immediately approve transactions.
1. Click on Multi-level approval with specific approvers option
2. Set Level 1 Approver by choosing users from the drop down list
3. Click on the green "+" icon to add more levels
4. Set your notification preferences for this configuration
5. Click Save to lock in your configuration
This example is based on Sales approval management system but you can use the same steps for the rest of different transaction types of you wish to set for all of them.